Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Must be approved Google AdSense

More quality content
Your website needed enough text for Google attention. Google believes that content is the king of a web site. Now content is the most important element for Google. Before accept a web site Google ensure the quality and quantity of content. So you need to do before applying for Google AdSense is to write high-quality content.  

Font and background color

Color and font size are the focusing subject of a web site. You should be careful when you selecting a font and font color for text. Your text should be easy to read .Your text should not be harmful for human eye. For an example, bright yellow background with white text is not good for eye.

Privacy Policy, About Us and Contact Us pages are important

Some pages are compulsory for your web site after take the decision to work with Google AdSense. These are about us, privacy policy and contact us pages. You can use these page as a menu.

Stop all Ad of your web site

Before applying for Google AdSense if you have any other ads placed like Chitika, Infolinks, Bit-advertiser, this is time to stop them. Take it in your mind, make your blog free from ads.

Avoid getting paid traffic:

There are many web sites that are getting paid traffic.These type of web site has damn chance of getting approved by AdSense. Getting paid traffic is very harmful for your website when you are ready to apply for Google Adsense. You have chance to bring traffic from search engines or any other way without paid.

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