Monday, 14 September 2015

Facebook expert

Actually we are choose the subject  facebook for our website techtimenews24.com. We are ready to present the best use of facebook. So that you can be a smart user of facebook. Facebook is a best free social networking media that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with all friends of the world, family and colleagues. Facebook makes it easy for you to connect and share with your family and friends online. First time facebook is originally designed for college students. Actually facebook was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.At this time  Mark Zuckerberg was enrolled at Harvard University. But when 2006, facebook ensure that anyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address could join Facebook. This means you can use a single Facebook account to sign in to different services across the Web.
Now Facebook is established as  the world's largest social network, with more than 1 billion users of the world.
You will be happy to know that facebook is available in 37 different languages, includes public features such as:
Allows members to post, read and respond with classified ads.
 Allows members those have common interests to find each other .
Allows members or vendor to publicize an event, invite guests and track who plans to attend.
Allows all members to create and promote a public page built around a specific subject.

Personal Profile
Within each member's personal profile, there are several key networking components. The most popular is arguably the Wall, which is essentially a virtual bulletin board.
Member’s Wall
Messages left on a member's Wall can be text, video or photos. You can select that who can see your post. You have the right to select friends or only you or public.
Photo Album
Another popular component is the virtual Photo Album. Photos can be uploaded from the desktop or from a smartphone camera. You should not worry about quantity of photo because there is no limitation on quantity, but facebook staff will remove inappropriate or copyrighted images.  An interactive album feature allows the member's contacts (who are called generically called "friends") to comment on each other's photos and identify (tag) people in the photos.

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